CAUTION – Please be aware that e-mail or phone calls that appear to originate from Toyota Tsusho or Toyota Tsusho Group companies may be fraudulent.
Please be aware that e-mail or phone calls that appear to originate from Toyota Tsusho or Toyota Tsusho Group companies may be fraudulent.
It has been confirmed that attempt have been made to defraud using the name of Toyota Tsusho Group companies and Toyota Tsusho Group employees.
【Modus Operandi】
Fraudsters pretending to be Company and Group company officers / employees and requesting a customer to make a payment to a fake account after making a request by e-mail or telephone to change the payee bank account.
In some case, there has also been a scam that suddenly sends fake invoices to suppliers instead of requesting account changes for issued invoices as described above.
Neither our company nor our group companies will notify you of bank account changes by e-mail or telephone. If you receive such e-mails or phone calls, please delete or ignore them. Please note that the e-mail address may be very similar to our e-mail address, so please pay attention to the sender e-mail address.
If you suspect that an e-mail or phone call is a scam, please contact the department in charge of the transaction directly.